Invention of Dancing

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 6:06 PM


The thing about dancing, is that it surely was invented post the mighty invention of music. The might of music was such, that some wiseass back in the day thought he could probably get away with 'being cheesy' without getting hit by a rock, if he put his words down in a tune. Whilst he was going at it, trying to compose a 'song' on a cheese license, this another bloke from down the road over heard it. The music got to him, it had to, for he was the first to hear it apart from it's maker.

And so he thought his colon would erupt if he didn’t fill his urge to tap his feet to it (music), completely unaware of the fact that shaking his head would be soon to follow and so to speak, rest of his body. And thus he made some completely ‘alien’, gravity defying moves one after the other, much like a continuum, much like it was heartfelt. Although, he was completely unaware that it would go on to be know as ‘dancing’.

What made him do it? Probably the music, probably he got laid twice the previous night or his ex got divorced. Whatever was the reason, the consequences of it gave dancing to mankind and henceforth was branded as a gesture to celebrate. 

So let’s.

Guitaring and shit. bleh

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 10:40 AM


Yeah, this is some serious dose of blatantly cheap self promotion. Although, I am far away from claiming to be a guitarist or a singer for that matter. Lets just say, making the most of available resources bounded within me.

Peace, better like it or there shall be no peace.

Defying monstrosity

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 10:32 PM


Harbour yourself in the muddy waters that are well polluted by my rants and rationalisations for a while, I don’t promise you a life changing orgasm out of these words, nor do I have any intentions to entertain you! Although what I do offer you is a mould that you might want to hold on to. If I am successful in that, you will know exactly what I mean and realise how awesome it is to be in my head. Word!

“If I don’t make it to the end, I will make sure every muscle and every breath of mine will cherish the dream.” – My pretentious and wannabe wise-ass self, 2012

When you sit on a bench drenched in the subtle rains of smiles around the world with the water drops falling off its metal carvings and look at a scenery defined by pretty rivers and mountains all dressed up for the occasion of providing you just with pure and simple joy of life, you realise we aren’t fretting over complications of the highest magnitudes between us and the people defining our lives just for nothing. I may paint things deemed unreasonable on the canvas while people are opting for much lively colours, but to those to whom your drawings makes sense are the people who you are meant to meet and have in your lives forever, either physically or locked in memories. Truth is, these people although may sound your friends, could well be your foes who are the friends in disguise only because they are the much needed friction. We are tuned to love or be afraid of meeting these people; we are bound to collide to them. But am not going to indulge in the awful debate of destiny just cause me are made to believe it’s worth a debate. If we start out crawling on the very ground we end up being fast and mean only to find happiness, then all the walls around us must only be decorated in colours that we keep collecting or are looking to. 

We are an ingenious breed. We are trying to understand our existence since we exist and to do so, have put our faiths in religion and have given a god status to the people who started them. But if only there were a human being we knew about who thought of or rather, realised our need to have faith in someone superior to us, will I truly respect as a man superior to me. I mean you can’t ignore the fact that meeting him would be atleast worth a little something.

Each day we live by, we engrave within ourselves a new stroke submerging in our shadows from yesterday. It always scares a sane mind that you might lose yourself tomorrow as we are made to believe we mustn’t. That’s probably the biggest fraud our forefather’s forefathers, conned us into. And then I wonder about the talk that stars must involve in, it must leave a dust of agendas that we as humans are suppose to read, but we feel the need to see them as problems. Everyone is immersed in this stardust, dancing on the ringtones and hiding from the wind. I believe am either a hustler or the world beyond any apparent mass is just a joke. We fail to understand how unfortunate it is that we feel a need to escape into the mirage that we have mistaken for a merrier patch.  

What a lame excuse for philosophy all this, you are wondering I know. I do wonder the same as I write here sitting next to my blown up backyard, it sure was green yesterday. These tangential, blown out of proportion rants are either a seasonal excuse to every hopeless chapter of your life, or it is the next best thing to MJ. If I were you, I would go with the latter! 

Anti dreary smiles,

Sedating earth.

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 11:09 AM


Breath in. breath out.
Yell a bit, on sorrow, on deceit, on rape, on every rule, on measures of right and wrong or success or failure, on suppression, on reasonability, on conditionality, on physical forms and the lack of human tendency to look beyond it, on difficulty to talk and on how easy it actually is.

We are a many, almost 7 billion.
We grow, accumulate knowledge, meet each other, pass on that knowledge, fall in love, get cheated or cheat, make friends, betray or get betrayed, ride motorbikes, get into accidents and sometimes get killed, we do what we want, we do want we are told to, we are fragile, we bleed, we feel fain, we kill each other, we excrete, we eat, we follow, we lead, we help each other out, we know greed!
We are simple, we are complex.

We bunch, are a bunch of contradictions. We are a wide array of colours, sticking to this round mass with plenty of heat inside it and above it. Where does that leave me? Am a point billionth percentage of all of this, maybe that’s why so insignificant to you, probably to me too. But you know what, so are you! And also each and every one of you!

Intervention Star

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 11:09 AM


I was in the open
Vulnerable, without any clue
I was pretending
Seeming bright. Seeming light.
Hoax it was all, all of it
I recall now
I comprehend now
My own reflection of yesterday
For I never reached
The touchstone that I posses today.

Your hair, your shoulders
And that acute glitch
In your wide smile
Above and beneath
My banked self to you
Like the skylight
And it’s contours by the clouds
Holding together the life and bliss
Of the world and its colours
Of my thoughts

Let’s play, let’s laugh
And pretend it meant nothing
The nothing that they never felt
The nothing you feel like
Numbers in the clock
Where they go for a toss
Where the magnet never repulse
Where the gravity lets you float
That’s a drift
I believe you instilled
Just with one touch.
Just with one kiss.


Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 12:00 AM


Am silk
I flow within and without
Your control
With each grain
The blow is growing
Your will
To command
The fourth dimension of space
To fight your sorrows
To bring peace
To the pulses in your heart and head
Am growing away from
Your grasp
On the moist mist and matter
You are, am not
Yet you believe otherwise
Every second another inch
Tick followed tack followed tick followed tack!
Am venting
Am all over your dreams
Your breath! your pulses!
My prowess battle
Your gains! Your losses!
Here’s to your myths
Here’s to your wait
For the ‘perfect’ ode


Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 10:29 PM


Am tramping
Not sounds of sorrow
Not tunes of despair!

Am putting in the whole essence within the bounds of my skin, giving my everything, trying to elevate. Deviate. From the subtleties of humanely traditions and rituals of allying with expressions of good or bad, relative to time and sand, relative to breaths and brains. Cold. Very cold. The polarity of hearts goes above and beyond anything and everything that is parallel to a human jet in this region. I should have migrated here a long time ago, may be even before the concept of time was shaping into existence for us. This is not moksha, not to be fooled my friend, for that is yet another mundane epilogue to some wise-crack’s hypothetically generated ‘true’ story. Why live by gold, when you can grow cold? Be impervious to the concepts of dark and light, of grey and black, of being able to fall trapped in the massive numbers and equations of calculations our forefathers devised for us. Their agendas were of different substance, for mud meant not mud but platter of life.

Am on a searching spree. I will trade, raid, outrage! To look for a new race. I am hardly bothered about the shapes and skin but the source of energy. For I have had enough of the sun, enough from this distance. Colder, definitely colder! That’s where am headed.

wrong blend.

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 4:40 PM


My humble apologies
For I didn’t serve my purpose well
For maybe I sinned
Or maybe did not stand
On a stack of toys
Labelled ‘good enough’
I tried playing by your rules
Trying to get noticed
And be as docile as you probably wished for
Clueless, with a demoralizing drop
Called ‘hope’ falling from my forehead
Why is it that you seem different?
 Every time we breathe the same air
For I thought I knew you well
And then I heard the water droplets in the air
Shout out aloud ‘not really’
This is not remotely what I wished for
For now I know
Things are to run on their pre-laid track
My being, a small part in it
You know about, but not remotely care
This is how the tunes play around here
This is how they sound
For we are a wrong blend perhaps
Of over-riding fortunes
May be for good, for my quest
To the land of land of cold.


Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 11:45 PM


we are a blend of over-riding fortunes. 

There is acid…and then there is the rest!

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 7:46 AM


You know you are on it, you know you can feel its rush by the back of your ears while you are standing up against the massive rush of wind against your face. The smell of a highway is not the one a lone man easily forgets, it’s like a home to his heart.  You are on it and the road as well. No fabrications around, the only blur you are to witness is the blur around you. The faster you are, the easier the things get! The nicotine smell in your fingers is not a bother anymore. 

You think you have done enough before setting off for the road. But it’s never enough, that’s the tricky part about breathing the same airs as the road, sharing the same time with it. As much as you love moving forward, irrespective of your direction, the thought of ‘she’ in the back of your head grows on you, you know it’s happening slowly and gradually yet, you have no option but to succumb to this numb aura of self-criticizing sickness! They leave, they always do! You cannot count the number of times you have had to go through this, yet the ‘hope’ fucks you up. And it fucks you up bad. 

Funny thing about highway, you feel when in rush that you are venting you anger killing the gazillion flies coming at you, chasing the ‘bright’ in your headlights. But little that people know is that they are creating small vents to your being. Small vents, like a leach sucking blood out of your marrow trying to break down your hindsight, slowly but effectively. And you fail to understand, an endeavour well put by a million small living souls cannot go wrong, cannot be in vain. May be for our own good, but who is to know when your good takes over your zest to grab a stone and hit your fate trying to grab another chance at that ‘someone’. Didn’t I mention before, hope fucks you up bad? And then you are seeking shelter for your sick self, so when you are desperately seeking to grow in that direction, you realise elevating yourself to a higher plain could almost fetch you the same shell. The fun part kick starts and you start looking for that one number in your phonebook which is never really saved as a ‘name’ name, I mean if you thought you coded it well, you must know that it’s probably the easiest clue to pick.

There is acid…and then there is the rest! Rest is good; rest is what every northerner looking to head west is after and is on, but not many are in the ‘league’. This league does not restrict to demography, cause there are never any boundaries when you enter the world of spiritual happiness and people who are far below looking at you, are busy laughing at you and shouting aloud things about your mother. Well but when you are in the A-game, you are a philanthropist and are beyond the reach of such verbal and visual irregularities which normally hits you in your head and heart. But leagues are for those who consider a just a day-- inconsistent, a bad day in layman’s terms. Am not that, a bad day subscribes ‘fuck me’ magazine for a mere 24 hours, a mere rotation around the sun, but when one’s 23 revolutions around the sun seem meaningless, where does a man go? Am probably a bit high to write such non-sense, but a basic human tendency is to have faith. Faith in the world around you, faith in yourself and more importantly as they as say, faith in a superior power but where does one go if all these rituals seem bleak to someone! For they have had enough already, they have seen much of the world and have come to a conclusion that everything around is hostile. Am not proud, but am well in that set of living souls!

Timeless! you and I?

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 9:46 AM


I walk through the empty
Nest of doom
It’s a fault
The concept of time
Yet, I fight it, loath it.
The comfort in your smell, your smile
Is a miss-judged
I do, all the while
For what? You are scared to know!
Sit down, share a breath
Cause the seconds in your watch aren’t enough
For I have been
Just a part of my being
A ridiculous truth or a failed attempt
There is no
Second chance, no encore
I breathe
The same energy density as you
Not for a greater good
But for you to see intangible sorrow

Valid Ambiguity

Posted by ronrage9 | Posted in | Posted on 6:55 PM


“I grow
Through the troubles you caused
You slay
When I had you in the dreams I bought”

                The road is never an easy one when one chases. You probably are the velocity gradient that I couldn’t understand. You seem better from far and turn toxic while making me vie for you; and yet, I wonder how glory tastes. The picture of you around the puddle of thoughts seems surreal but then I am dipping my phosphorous coated fingers in it. You think you are leading, but then I never was competing with you rather for you.

“The fragility of a crystal is not a weakness but fineness”- Jon Krakauer

“Denser are the clouds
On the stream up high apart
I long for you embracing me
I beg to differ, I won’t part”

                And then you hail your storms thinking you own the world of touchstones, but your ignorance is as fatal as journey through a peddled bridge. You are unaware, but I never confute to play the little blacks and reds in the cards you thought you were playing well. The paradigms that you are living by are nothing but impediments in disguise and I smile at your failure to understand. While the world impends with smiles with in the failing idiocrasies, we are here in this rather amusing plain of life trying to nurture agonies. I am only being as human as I can be, yet you find it absurd when I try to pluck your petals. It is exhausting nudging your vibrations, imploring on each breath of yours to confront mine. The displacement of my arteries is a daunting truth and a prelude to the cons you are pulling off. I am not henchman playing with sickles and stones, carving out the truce between the different time zones, but your act of not acknowledging my subtle endeavours is making me one. Where am I going post apocalypse? Well you know the answer. It’s only the gist of my being and your being a part of it. Let’s not indulge in rolling the dice deciding out fates. We have grown over that, after all this has always been a part of the big the ‘plan’.